Fart: Smell Gas that is refreshing and healthy

Farting or passing gas is a condition that must be experienced by everyone. The gas that is released actually comes from along the colon as the end of the digestive system. Apart from farting, the end result of gas in the digestive system is burping. Talking about farts is usually a little embarrassing.

Though studies show farting is a cycle in the body that must be excreted. Amazingly, by farting you can prevent the risk of bloating to cancer. Here are some interesting facts about farting. Anything? Check out the reviews ... note: Reading this article, don't fart ...

What are farts? 

Fart, or translated as fart, is one of the oldest words in the English language. So, why can you fart? Farts are caused by trapped air from various sources. Some of that air enters when you swallow, chew or drink. This air seeps into the intestines and is carried by the blood.

Fart gas consists of 59 percent nitrogen, 21 percent hydrogen, 9 percent carbon dioxide, 7 percent methane and 4 percent oxygen. Only about one percent of farts contain hydrogen sulfide gas and mercaptans, which contain sulfur.

This sulfur is what makes farts smell bad. Farts that make sound are usually caused by vibrations of the rectum. While the loudness can vary, depending on how much pressure is the gas and the sphincter muscle.

Why do farts smell? 

Some foods such as nuts, cabbage, cheese, soda, and eggs can cause foul odors when you fart.

People pass gas an average of 14 times a day

The average person produces about half a liter of farts every day. And although many women won't admit it, women fart more often than men. If a person were to fart continuously for 6 years and 9 months, they would produce gas with an energy equivalent to an atomic bomb.

Farts only come out 10-15 seconds

Yes, the speed of the gas that comes out is only about 10-15 seconds. So even though it is disturbed, the smell of fart will quickly disappear.

The dangers of holding in a fart

Farts are a natural part of your digestive system. So, avoid holding in the fart as much as possible. Holding on to a fart will only cause bloating, and other symptoms of stomach discomfort. In the worst cases, holding in fart can lead to hemorrhoids or intestinal disorders.

There are some cultures that love the smell of farts >>>

In other countries, you can actually get a job if your farts smell bad. According to them, this bad smell indicates that you are professional. In ancient Rome, Emperor Claudius passed laws that made it acceptable to fart at banquets.

Farts burn easily

Farts contain a certain amount of methane and hydrogen gas, so they burn easily.

People can fart after they die

This is proof that you cannot escape by gas, even after your life has been lost. Up to three hours after the body dies, gas will pass through both ends of the digestive tract, so don't be surprised if the corpse can burp or make a farting sound. This phenomenon is caused due to muscle contraction.

Why Can Farts Happen? 

Everyone has experienced farts, but with different frequencies. Farting itself can happen because of the following things:

Intestinal bacteria

One of the causes of gas in the digestive system is the work of bacteria in breaking down food debris that has not been completely digested. When breaking down food scraps, bacteria will produce gases such as hydrogen sulfide, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane. This gas then comes out through the anus.

Swallow air

Every time, the body used to swallow air, for example, obtained from chewing food to smoking. Chewing gum also contributes to the entry of air into the stomach.

In addition, several other medical conditions, such as heartburn, can make a person inevitably swallow air. This is a natural reaction to reduce stomach acid that rises into the esophagus.

The digestive process is disturbed

Poor digestive system or the process of digesting food will cause more food waste to reach the intestines. If you get to this place, the intestinal bacteria will break it down. The decomposition process will produce gas.

Chewing food in a hurry can make food not digested optimally, resulting in a lot of leftover food. Several other medical conditions, such as lactose intolerance, pancreatic insufficiency, and celiac disease can make digestion inadequate, causing gas to build up.

Foods That Can Make Farting

Even if your digestion is working properly, excessive frequency of gas can still occur. This is usually related to the type of food that enters the body. So that fart doesn't interrupt your important activities too often, then avoid or reduce consumption of some foods with the following ingredients.


There are several types of fruit that contain sorbitol. This type of sugar is digested slower by the body and the residue from sorbitol is usually used as fermentation by intestinal bacteria. This fermentation process then produces hydrogen gas in the body.

Some fruits that contain sorbitol include apples, pears, prunes, and peaches. Some foods also contain sorbitol as a natural sweetener, such as chewing gum and regular candy.

Fructose and raffinose

Apart from sorbitol, the types of sugars that can cause excess gas to appear in the large intestine are fructose and raffinose. Both are complex sugars which are difficult for the body to digest and can be found in vegetables. Some vegetables that contain this type of sugar, such as onions, are high in fructose, while cabbage, broccoli, and asparagus are high in raffinose.

Apart from some vegetables, raffinose can also be found in several types of nuts. Apart from containing raffinose, nuts also contain soluble fiber. This type of fiber dissolves in water and the digestive process in the intestine is fairly slow.

Because it is long in the intestine that causes gas production to increase. Fructose can also be found in carbonated drinks as a sweetener. Apart from containing fructose, the carbonation content in it contains a lot of air so it naturally causes excess gas production.


Some types of starchy foods are usually high in carbohydrates. The high carbohydrate content in food will produce a lot of gas during the digestion process. Several starchy foods that are rich in carbohydrates, such as bread, cereals, and pasta, are among those that often cause excess gas.

Other carbohydrate foods that can cause excess gas are corn and potatoes. Even though it is high in carbohydrates, rice does not cause excessive gas in the digestive system.


All dairy products can cause excess gas production because they contain lactose. Like other complex sugars, lactose is also slow to digest, especially if the body lacks the enzyme lactose. Some foods rich in lactose are cheese, ice cream, and all foods that contain milk. If you are lactose intolerant, stay away from these types of dairy products.

How to Reduce Farts? 

Apart from avoiding foods that can cause excess gas production, the following actions can reduce the frequency of farting so that you avoid embarrassing and annoying things.

Eat slowly

Chewing food slowly can reduce the amount of air that enters the body's digestive system. Chewing slowly also makes food softer, making it easier to digest completely.


Exercising is of course very good in improving the body's metabolism, including the digestive system. Moving around after eating also helps make the digestive system more active. Avoiding foods that trigger excess gas production and taking the precautions above not only makes your activity less disturbed by farting, but also makes your digestion comfortable.


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